Referral Program

Quality Referrals Are Music To Our Ears...A FREE iPod Is Music To Yours!

(See Below For Details On How The Two Are Related.)

We love having you as a customer and, quite honestly, wish we had more like you! So instead of just wishing, we've decided to hold a special "refer-a-friend" contest for the month of September.

Even if your referral doesn't hire us, they'll benefit from having a third-party conduct an audit of their systems. Normally we charge $250 for this service, but we'll give it to them free since you referred them.

All you have to do now is go online to refer and give us the name of one fellow business owner you know who might benefit from our services. There's no obligation for them to buy anything. We'll award a brand new iPod to the customer who refers us the most quality contacts!

If you have any questions about our contest, you can also call me direct at (314) 993-5528 or simply e-mail me at with the name and contact information of one of your business colleagues who might benefit from hearing from us.

Your Information

  • Referred Company Information

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